Title IX and Civil Rights Compliance


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Cook Hall Room 116A

Title IX and Civil Rights Compliance

David Brickhouse Esq.

Vice President for Legal Affairs & Human Resources

Interim Title IX Coordinator

Alisha Carter Harris

Interim Deputy Title IX Coordinator

What is Title IX?

第九条是1972年通过的联邦民权法,是《新博网页》的一部分. 这项法律保护人们在接受联邦财政援助的教育项目或活动中免受性别歧视. Title IX states that:

“No person in the United States shall, on the basis of sex, be excluded from participation in, 在接受联邦财政援助的任何教育项目或活动中被剥夺利益或受到歧视.”

第九条适用于任何接受教育部联邦财政援助的机构, including state and local educational agencies. 接受教育部联邦资金的教育项目和活动必须以非歧视的方式运作. Also, 受赠人不得因反对非法教育行为或政策而对任何人进行报复, or because a person made charges, testified, or participated in any complaint action under Title IX. To learn more visit the Department of Education’s Title IX website.


如果你想向学院提出投诉,你可以联系下面列出的个人/办公室. You may share as much information as you feel comfortable providing; you may file a complaint anonymously or may request that your name or other identifiable information not be disclosed to the alleged perpetrator. However, 提供更多的信息将有助于学院进行调查,要求学院不透露你的名字将限制学院的回应能力. Additionally, if you decide to file a complaint but ask the College not to take action, 学院可能仍需采取措施保护整体新博网址是多少环境. 然而,在这种情况下,学院将尽力保护您的身份.

Recent Changes to Title IX

教育部的新规定于8月14日生效, 2020, and require significant changes to the Title IX process. 新规定要求对在美国发生的针对个人的大学教育项目和活动中的性骚扰进行报告和应对. 其中一些变化包括缩小第九条对性骚扰的定义,并要求将现场听证会作为正式报告程序的一部分. 以前属于第九条范围的一些性行为可能不再属于第九条范围, 但我们的性别歧视和骚扰政策仍将禁止并解决这一问题.

Who Can I Talk To?

You can speak to anyone that you feel comfortable talking to. However, it is important to know that NCF employees, including faculty, resident assistants, student employees, 和受托人都被认为是强制性的记者,必须向第九条协调员报告有关不当性行为的信息. 如果你想在保密的环境中与某人交谈,也有例外. Our Victim Advocate and the members of the Counseling & Wellness Center 当你和他们谈论第九条的问题时,你能保持保密吗.

What Happens When I Report Misconduct?


如果你希望学院采取行动,你向学生事务主任提出投诉/报告, Campus Police, General Counsel, or Title IX Coordinator, the following will occur:

Remedial Actions

At any point, including before an investigation begins, 第九条协调员或其指定人员可根据需要采取补救行动. 补救行动的目的是防止对投诉人或其他人造成严重和直接的伤害, prevent retaliation against anyone, end discriminatory or harassing behavior and prevent its occurrence. 这可能包括但不限于改变投诉人或答辩人的工作或学术环境, providing counseling and medical services, issuing no-contact orders, transferring students or faculty to different courses, 将学生转移到宿舍的不同房间或不同的大厅, and other actions.


当学院收到投诉时,它将开始调查所发生的事情. 这包括收集和审查证据以及与证人/当事人面谈以澄清指控, discuss the desired outcomes of the investigation, and obtain detailed information about the allegations. 双方将有机会在与调查员的单独面谈中对指控作出回应, both can provide names of witnesses and other additional materials, 双方都有权请律师或非律师顾问在场, at their own expense, during the interview or other proceedings. However, the advisor or attorney may not participate directly.

完成调查后,调查员将提交调查结果报告. 这将概括证人的一般证词和其他证据, 确定投诉的指控是否得到可靠证据的支持, determine if other College policies have been violated, and, if appropriate, recommend disciplinary and/or remedial actions. Both parties will be provided a copy of the report.

如果双方都不希望上诉,那么该报告将是学院的最终决定. 如果任何一方希望对报告提出异议,上诉方有10天的时间提出异议.


任何一方均可对调查结果报告和/或纪律处分提出上诉. 上诉书必须指明上诉人有争议的具体调查结果,并解释每项调查结果有争议的原因. Additionally, the appeal must be based on evidence that:

  • 调查没有按照程序进行,而不遵守程序的情况严重影响了调查的结果.
  • The findings were not based on the preponderance of credible evidence.
  • The appellant has discovered new evidence, not previously available, which would have materially affected the outcome of the investigation.

To begin an appeal, 请在案件结果出来后10天内向第九条协调员提供书面通知,说明您的上诉意图.

Report Title IX Misconduct

新博网页强烈鼓励所有善意的报告,并将根据所共享信息的性质和质量对所有报告作出回应. You may wish to identify yourself or you may elect to remain anonymous.

Make Your Report